21-18-15-12-9-6-3 & 3x5:3 RUN
Hand Stand Pushups (HSPU)
and L-pullups.
11:51 PR (never done this one before)
Did this workout at ACU at 6 AM. Abs still pretty sore from yesterday (5x30 GHD sits and 25 back ext) so the L-pullups were particularly tough...never did more than 7 without stopping. HSPUs are done with my homemade paralletes with my feet on the smith machine bar on the highest setting.
After I got finished I stretched then did some unassisted hand stand work. Since I first started seeing if I could hold a handstand without assistance from a wall until now, I have seen drastic improvement. I held up for about 7 seconds today without having to tap the wall with my foot.
It was tough to get up this morning. Still tired from driving home from Dallas at 330 AM on Saturday night/Sunday morning.
When I got home from work I put on my snow suit and ran three, 5-minute intervals with 3 minutes rest in between.
I had absolutely no hip pain on the first two intervals and very, very minor discomfort (wouldn't even call it pain) on the third. Iced twice before I went to bed.
The Wild Geranium extract is doing the trick!!
So I guess this means you aren't running the White Rock Marathon, huh? I am running the half -AS OF LAST WEEK!! Gads.
I've been thinking of you, Kirk/Mark, and your beautiful family.
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