Just about ten days to go until my first Half Ironman competition. I feel like I'm physically prepared but you just never know how the body will respond to race day conditions.
If there's anything I've learned from endurance races, it's that you can train all you want, but you'll only be as fast as the event wants you to be.
I'm hoping to finish in less than 5.5 hours. It will be the longest continuous exercise I've ever done. I've had a couple of 4-4.5 hour days during my training period, but nothing over five hours.
My ideal scenario would be finishing the swim and heading out of Transition 1 in 40 minutes. Be off the bike and out of Transition 2 at the 3:4o mark and run a 1:50 half marathon which is slower than an 8 min/mile pace.
The only other thing I'm worried about is not being used to humidity and heat - which I'm sure there will be in Galveston next week.
I've been training in cold, windy and dry conditions. A few of my long bike rides have been done with absolutely no water consumption. That won't happen if it's hot and humid.
Physically, my body feels good. I am having some very minor issues in my right shin. But I don't think it's anything some massaging and ice won't fix.
I'm ready to race!