Tuesday, May 03, 2011

4-HOUR BODY EXPERIMENT (Days 29 and 30)

Day 29 - Sunday:

Weighed 180.3 (81.8 kg) this morning. Wow. Just more than 8 pounds since I started.
Breakfast was eggs and strawberries.
Didn't eat lunch until 3:30 PM (moving). Had a large salad and some black beans with chia. Dessert was cashews and raisins.
Dinner was pulled pork, beans, potato salad. Dessert was a large bowl of sliced frozen banana, frozen mangos, cashews, and honey. Mmmmm....boy.
Had more cashews and raisins later. Also had a couple of pieces of wheat bread with melted organic cheese right before bed.

Day 30 - Monday:

Felt OK this morning. Just exhausted from moving. Woke up late and got a late start. Ended up taking the day off to work at the house.
Breakfast was tuna, salad and black beans.
Lunch was the same.
Dinner was beef brisket, beans, jalapenos, pickles and mustard greens. Celery and cashew butter as snack.
Second day in a row I didn't work out.
PAGG, gallon water, cold showers.

OK...so my overall thoughts on 4HB diet are very positive. It's basically Paleo with no fruit during the week and legumes added back in. I feel great. I lost more than 8 pounds. Hopefully I'll be <180 by the end of this week...which was my goal (to be under 180 before the start of tri season - May 15).

I actually look forward to cold showers now and haven't taken a hot shower since the Saturday I read 4HB (April 2nd I think?). I may take one tonight as a celebration of 30 days in the books.

I will continue to eat the way I've been eating. It will be interesting to see where I'm at after another 60 days. I really like the whole not eating fruit thing during the week and then eating fruit on Sundays. It makes fruit a whole new experience. A delicacy. Something that triggers dopamine in my brain so I get the same response I used to get when eating ice cream and candy bars on Sundays. Oh...and this is day 121 of no candy, processed sugar, sweets, desserts, etc. Have no cravings for any of it.


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