Monday (6/21):
CF - Tabata something else: didn't PR but came pretty close. Love that workout. Tabata intervals of pullups, pushups, situps and squats.
Tuesday (6/22):
CF - Run 1 mile, 3 min rest, run 1200m, 2 min rest, run 800, 1 min rest, run 400 = 20:34.
Swim - 1400 yards, main set was 6x100 on 20 sec rest.
Wednesday (6/23):
CF - row 500, 150 DBU, 50 burpees = 12:57. Did in my garage. Last CF workout before race.
Taught RPM this morning at HHC.
Thursday (6/24):
Run - 20 minutes with 6x30 second strides thrown in there.
Friday (6/25):
Rest day
Saturday (6/26):
Rode trainer for 20 minutes in garage, hopped off bike and ran 20 minutes...nice and easy.
Left for Lubbock around 9:15.
Swam for 20 minutes at BSL at around 3 PM. Went to bed around 10 PM. Slept on the floor.
Had a grass-fed beef patty, salad, sauteed cabbage and fruit for lunch.
Ate an entire bag of dried dates starting at lunch through the end of the day.
Had salmon fillet, salad, cabbage, fruit for dinner.
Fruit for snack before bed.
Sunday (6/27):
BSLT Half IM = 5:30:21. Very pleased with how the day went.
Breakfast was three scrambled eggs cooked with mushrooms, onion and squash. Covered with a little bit of salsa. Also had two small oranges. Ate breakfast at 4:45 AM.
Had an Accel-gel at 6 AM in transition.
Had banana at 6:30 AM while walking out of transition.
Sipped on 16 ounces of water with Nuun tablet from breakfast until I left transition.
One hour into the race I had an Accel-gel.
From 1 - 2 hours, I had half a bottle of Accelerade (12 ounces = 120 cal).
Two hours in I had a gel.
From 2 - 3 hours, I had the other half of the Accelerade bottle. I took sips about every 20 minutes.
Three hours in I had another gel.
Off the bike at around 3.5 hours. Had another gel and took a few sips of Accelerade in transition.
Took a gel with me on the run along with my hand bottle filled with water and Nuun table.
Had to stop and urinate in transition, also had to pee on myself about 35 miles into the bike. Good sign. I was drinking LOTS of water throughout the bike. Every aid station I would fill up my aero bottle with another 20 ounces of cold water.
Four hours in I had the gel that I had taken with me.
4.5 hours in I had a GU from one of the aid stations.
5 hours in I had another GU from the aid stations.
Drank my electrolyte bottle during the first half of run, then stopped at every station and filled up the bottle with water...drank lots of water.
Poured cold water over my shaved head at every station as well.
I finished on a dead sprint. Never walked and never cramped (side or muscles).
Felt amazing after the race. After the Half IM in Galveston I was in very bad shape. Could hardly sit at the table at lunch to eat.
Had pizza and ice cream for lunch!! Yumm.....
You were a big wuss in Galveston - I was embarrased to know you. HA nice work buddy - proud of you.
Good luck at the next one.
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