Monday, May 10, 2010


Monday (5/3):
CF - 1 rep snatch max...didn't even waste my time. Not ready for this.

Taught RPM in the evening.

Tuesday (5/4):
8' AMRAP of 4 HSPU, 2 pood KB x8, GHD sit x12. I did 1 pood (36 pounds) instead of 2. Completed 5 rounds and through 4 GHD sits in round 6. Tough.

Ran 8x800 on a track after H went to sleep. After 10 minute warmup, did the 800s all under 2:52 (2:52, 2:50, 2:50, 2:50, 2:52, 2:51, 2:50, 2:50). A total of seven miles after warmup and cool down. I run an 800 then slowly jog a recovery lap in the time it took me to run the 800. Feel really good about those times and how my body feels.

Wednesday (5/5):
CF - Oh my heck...155# squat clean, 30 toes to bar, 24" box jump x30, 15 muscle ups, 40# DB push press x30, 30 double-unders, 135# thruster x15, 30 pull up, 30 burpees, 300 foot walking lunge with 45# over head.

OK - I subbed 95# for cleans and thrusters. Also, held 25# plate overhead for first 100 feet of lunge, then held nothing for second 100 feet, then held 35# KB for final 100. Killer WOD.

Swam Lactate Shuttle (CFE) - 5 on, 2.5 off, 6 on, 3 off, 7 on...done.

Thursday (5/6):
CF - rest.

Was going to rest but ended up riding the 10 mile time trial tonight. Did it in 27:04. 4th place out of about 20 riders. Really strong wind and I'm still super sore from yesterday's WOD.

Friday (5/7):
CF - "Linda". Linda is what caused my back pain in the first place. I didn't do it. Not ready for Linda for a long time.

Did traditional "long" swim...almost 3000 meters (mixture of 100s, 200s, 50s, 25s). Speed not where I want it to be...still focusing on new technique.

Saturday (5/8):
CF - "Tabata This", Tabata row, squat, pulls, push ups, situps with 1' rest between each. Scoring method is lowest score for each exercise (6, 20, 9, 15, 15). Pullups done at home so I couldn't kip or that 9 would be much higher.

Ran 30 on, 30 off (seconds) x10 (CFE) on a treadmill with 12% incline at 9.0 mph (6:40 min/mile pace). Tough.

Sunday (5/9):
CF - 5 x max reps of 66% body weight (118) thruster and pulls. I used 115# and did 10/23, 8/20, 8/20, 8/20, 8/20.

Rode for 3 hours (4x15 minute sets thrown in there during first hour). Total of 58.1 miles.

Week five in the books...another good week.


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