Friday, April 23, 2010


Not a whole lot of resources out there for anyone looking to train for and compete in events equal to or farther than Half Ironmans or marathons.

I'm a huge Crossfit fan (had my CF birthday yesterday, in fact) but have decided that my body needs some longer distance experience before my June 27 Half IM in Lubbock.

I believe that just following CF and CF Endurance is sufficient for anything at or below half marathons or Olympic triathlons, but a 3.5 or 5 hour race may need a little "tweaking." So that's what I'm doing.

I'm a little behind, so I'll go back through and make a few "week" posts, then try and update it every few days.

My basic plan is to keep doing CF mainsite (I'm 79 days behind the mainsite so I can plan ahead and know what's coming up) and do 6 mode workouts per week (2 bike, 2 run, 2 swim).

Breaking it down even further: 1 CFE bike, 1 CFE run, 1 CFE swim, then 1 of the "traditional" or longer sessions in each mode.

It significantly reduces the overall volume of training but has just about the same number of workouts than the Half IM program I did last year (and allowed me to finish Lone Star in Galveston in just under five hours). It had hardly any strength training but at least three and sometimes four workouts in each mode per week...tons of volume.

So here we go...


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