CF - (Jan 16 WOD) Crazy combo of squats, pullups and pushups. Every number listed done in one minute sections of time: 55 sq, 5 pull, 55 sq, 5 push, 50 sq, 10 pull, 50 sq, 10 push, 51 sq, 9 pull, 50 sq, 10 push, 50 sq, 10 pull, 42 sq, 18 push, 47 sq, 13 pull, 40 sq, 20 push - 20 minutes).
MODE - Taught 50 minute RPM class at HHC (Hendrick Health Club).
Made it through one round of "Fight Gone Bad" back. Originally hurt it on February 9 and have just kept re-tweaking it. This is terrible. Went and saw Orthopedic surgeon who set me up with a PT. Can't even bend over and put my shoes on. Worst it's been. Unbelievably frustrating. Doubting whether or not I'll even be able to get sufficient training in. Doctor thinks I'll be OK. Supposed to also do Tabata Treadmill today.
Physical Therapy - pool work, ice, electronic stimulation (e-stim), stretch. PT thinks it's my quadratus lumborum which has tightened up and been the cause of problems I've had since August (knee, calf, hip). Chiropractor I went and saw in October thought my leg was just shorter, but PT measured and thinks it's a muscle issue. Did some "contract/relax" stretches.
Supposed to swim 10x100 m/y today.
In Ft Lauderdale for work. Back feeling somewhat better. Ran about 4.5 really easy miles in the evening. Actually feel OK but it's still hurting.
Planned rest day.
Complete rest. Iced back. Supposed to CF (100 Burpee Pulls) and swim 3200 meters.
Ran about 3 miles on the beach...really slowly. Supposed to run 8x800s and CF WOD (3 sets of 10 rep clean and jerk and 30 GHD situp).
Complete rest. Supposed to CF WOD (3 sets of 50 double-unders and 50 back extension) and bike 40K.
Overall...terrible first week.
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