Monday, June 14, 2010


CF - 25 sq, pushup, pullup, situp; 50 sq, push, pull, sit; 75 sq, push, pull, sit in 22:30. PRed by more than six minutes.

Taught RPM in the evening for my short bike of the week.

Tuesday (5/18):
CF - rest

Ran a 10K in 42:47. Feel good. Played basketball tonight, too.

Wednesday (5/19):
CF - 7 x 3 shoulder press (95, 105, 4x115, 105). Did after I taught RPM.
And I didn't sleep at all. Went to bed at 11 PM...finally got up at 2:30 AM and made Paleo bread.

Thursday (5/20):
CF - 8x400m run on 90 sec rest in 20:35.

Friday (5/21):
CF - War Frank, 3 set of 25 Muscle ups, 100 squat, 35 GHD situps in 37:58. Hands completely bloody after 75 muscle ups. Amazed I was able to do it as rx'd.

Short swim 8x2:1 in the morning at the Y.

Saturday (5/22):
CF - rest

Rode for 3.5 hours (60.1 miles) then hopped off and ran a little more than 5 miles in 40 minutes. Felt slow on foot. Really hot. Didn't get enough calories on the bike (especially with no oatmeal for breakfast). Felt pretty bad last half hour on bike. Surprised I even finished the run at all. Rode south towards Lawn.

Sunday (5/23):
CF - 21,15, 9 135# DL, 95# overhead squat. Didn't record time. Around ten minutes...

Long swim of 2000 yards in 41:48.

Week 7 in the books...good week.


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