Friday, April 23, 2010


Monday (4/19):
CF - 7 rounds of (power snatch x 7, snatch balance x 7, OHS x 7) with 95 lbs. I did the bar after an extensive warm up. Not worried about time at all. Focusing on slow, deliberate movement (what I'm thinking of as SDM). Back felt OK. No pain!!! Time of 14:30.

Taught RPM in the evening.
Successful day.

Tuesday (4/20):
CF - rest day.
2000 yard swim. 10' warm up. 30' swim. 5' cool down. New technique coming along slowly.

Wednesday (4/21):
CF - 5 rounds of (Thruster x 5, 5 muscle up, 400m run). Supposed to do thrusters with 155 lbs. I used 65, 75, 85, then two sets with 95. No pain! Got all MU's. Did it in 23:18.

Thursday (4/22):
CF - "Griff" run 800, 400 backwards, 800, 400 backwards in 11:06.
Ran 6x400s with 2' rest (1:22, 27, 21, 15, 18 and 19). Did around ACU so some were completely into the wind, some completely with the wind. Feel good!

Friday (4/23):
CF - "Kelly", didn't throw wall ball up, just thrusted overhead. Very deliberate on box jumps. Jumped up, stood up, then stepped down instead of jumping down. 5 rounds in 23:56. Drenched. Great work out. No back pain!!

Icing, stimulation, stretching religiously, numerous times a day...helping.

Swam 12' time trial. 650 meters. Technique finally starting to click today. Swim was actually fun.
CROSSFIT BIRTHDAY!!! One year ago I started doing CF.

Saturday (4/24):
CF rest day.
Ran a half-marathon course that was suggested for an upcoming Children's Miracle Network race in October. Strong wind out of the west...didn't run an exact distance (give or take a few hundred meters), but I maintained about an 8 min/mile pace. No pain.

Sunday (4/25):
CF WOD was 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of 135# SDHP and Inverted hang/lower slow, but I didn't do it. Don't think my back is ready for even a scaled version of that one.

Rode 28+ miles in 1:20:00. Good ride.
Week 3 in the books.


Since I can't do CF this week, I've decided to revert back to my Traditional Half IM program until my back is ready...

PT at 6:45 AM. Pool work, ice, e-stim, heat, stretching. Feeling better. Bought a Tens unit (portable e-stim) that I can use at home...I'm hooked up to it right now. I use it at work, in the morning, at night. Think it'll be a good investment.

Ran 30 minutes (or about 4.5 miles). Supposed to teach RPM but I had to watch my daughter tonight so I got a sub and ran instead. Planned CF rest day.

Supposed to do a combination DL, pull-up WOD. Didn't do that b/c of the back. Swam 2300 yards at the State Street YMCA. Working on TI (Total Immersion) swimming form. Completely changing my technique and mentality in the water.

Did 5:35 AM RPM class. Back felt OK.

PT 6:45 AM. Same program. Supposed to Row 500 then 135 lb thrusters x 7 (five rounds)...yeah right. Planned to do 6x800s (run) today.

Supposed to do rep max on clean, bench and OHS...yeah right. Also supposed to swim a 10 minute TT.
Did the 800s today. Did them all <3 minutes.
Swam about 3000 meters. New technique not clicking yet. Going to take some work. Have to remember to BREATHE!!!

PT 645 AM. Same program. Feeling better.
Did an RPM class at home on my indoor trainer. MUCH harder on the trainer than on the body bikes at the health club.

Originally planned to run 6x400s.

Planned to bike 2 hours and CF WOD (7x1 back squat). Raining, so I ran about 1:05 instead. Think I went about 8.5 miles. Miserable run in the rain. Ugh...

Originally planned to CF WOD (10' HSPU, 5' SQ, 2' PULL, 1' PUSH) and swim 3200.
Instead took a rest day.

OK week. Feeling better. May try and scale back in tomorrow...


CF - (Jan 16 WOD) Crazy combo of squats, pullups and pushups. Every number listed done in one minute sections of time: 55 sq, 5 pull, 55 sq, 5 push, 50 sq, 10 pull, 50 sq, 10 push, 51 sq, 9 pull, 50 sq, 10 push, 50 sq, 10 pull, 42 sq, 18 push, 47 sq, 13 pull, 40 sq, 20 push - 20 minutes).

MODE - Taught 50 minute RPM class at HHC (Hendrick Health Club).

Made it through one round of "Fight Gone Bad" back. Originally hurt it on February 9 and have just kept re-tweaking it. This is terrible. Went and saw Orthopedic surgeon who set me up with a PT. Can't even bend over and put my shoes on. Worst it's been. Unbelievably frustrating. Doubting whether or not I'll even be able to get sufficient training in. Doctor thinks I'll be OK. Supposed to also do Tabata Treadmill today.

Physical Therapy - pool work, ice, electronic stimulation (e-stim), stretch. PT thinks it's my quadratus lumborum which has tightened up and been the cause of problems I've had since August (knee, calf, hip). Chiropractor I went and saw in October thought my leg was just shorter, but PT measured and thinks it's a muscle issue. Did some "contract/relax" stretches.

Supposed to swim 10x100 m/y today.

In Ft Lauderdale for work. Back feeling somewhat better. Ran about 4.5 really easy miles in the evening. Actually feel OK but it's still hurting.

Planned rest day.

Complete rest. Iced back. Supposed to CF (100 Burpee Pulls) and swim 3200 meters.

Ran about 3 miles on the beach...really slowly. Supposed to run 8x800s and CF WOD (3 sets of 10 rep clean and jerk and 30 GHD situp).

Complete rest. Supposed to CF WOD (3 sets of 50 double-unders and 50 back extension) and bike 40K.

Overall...terrible first week.


Not a whole lot of resources out there for anyone looking to train for and compete in events equal to or farther than Half Ironmans or marathons.

I'm a huge Crossfit fan (had my CF birthday yesterday, in fact) but have decided that my body needs some longer distance experience before my June 27 Half IM in Lubbock.

I believe that just following CF and CF Endurance is sufficient for anything at or below half marathons or Olympic triathlons, but a 3.5 or 5 hour race may need a little "tweaking." So that's what I'm doing.

I'm a little behind, so I'll go back through and make a few "week" posts, then try and update it every few days.

My basic plan is to keep doing CF mainsite (I'm 79 days behind the mainsite so I can plan ahead and know what's coming up) and do 6 mode workouts per week (2 bike, 2 run, 2 swim).

Breaking it down even further: 1 CFE bike, 1 CFE run, 1 CFE swim, then 1 of the "traditional" or longer sessions in each mode.

It significantly reduces the overall volume of training but has just about the same number of workouts than the Half IM program I did last year (and allowed me to finish Lone Star in Galveston in just under five hours). It had hardly any strength training but at least three and sometimes four workouts in each mode per week...tons of volume.

So here we go...