Monday, June 14, 2010


Monday (6/7):
CF - rest

Short run was the CFE run 2 x (1:30"x3, 2:45"x2, 3:2x1). Ran in the neighborhood.

Tuesday (6/8):
CF - for time; Row 1000, 35# KB snatch x50, row 750, KB snatch x30, row 500, KB snatch x20 in 16:50. Did in garage.

Wednesday (6/9):
CF - 225# DL x 10, 50 DBU

Taught RPM this morning.

Thursday (6/10):
CF - 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, C2B pulls, 30" box jump, GHD sit in 11:04. Tough...

Was going to get up and do RPM but I overslept.

Friday (6/11):
CF - rest
Short swim was 10x100 on 15" rest.

Short bike in the afternoon was 45 minutes. 10' WU, then 4x1:30, 4x1:2, 4x1:30, 10 CD. Very windy.

Saturday (6/12):
Taught hour long RPM in the morning.

Ran 2:10:00 at 2:15 PM. Really windy. Felt great first hour. Second hour was brutal. Choked on my Accel-gel at halfway point. Sunburned bad. Lost a lot of salt...all over my shorts at the end. Felt better physically than after Austin though so that's good.

Sunday (6/13):
Swam 2500 in Jeremie's backyard. Good swim. 4x200, 500, 6x200.

Week 10 in the books. Feel pretty good. Been doing some intense training in some pretty extreme weather conditions which I think will pay off. A little worried about race day nutrition. Still haven't found that magic recipe...


Monday (5/31):
Capital of Texas Triathlon. Not really sure of my real time. Chip time said 2:42 and change but the swim was 300 meters too long and run was .5 mile too long so it was probably closer to 2:30. Still really sore from run on Saturday. Felt good in the water and was able to push it at the end during the run. Good day considering how incredibly sore I was...

Tuesday (6/1):
Complete rest day...first since April 28. Probably a stupid fact...need to rest more.

Wednesday (6/2):
CF - 20' AMRAP of 15 BE, 15 K2E, 95# OHS x 15. Did 6 rounds plus 15 BE.

Taught RPM in the morning.

Thursday (6/3):
CF - rest

Short swim of 800 yards as fast as I could go.

Friday (6/4):
CF - Murph in 29:09. Crushed my PR. Did in the morning on ACU track. Run 1 mile, 100 pull, 200 push, 300 squat, run 1 mile.

Saturday (6/5):
CF - no CF

Rode in Plano area for 3 hours, ran for 1 hour. Had some nutrition issues. Lost my Accel-gels somewhere along the way. Had to ration Infinit which got really foamy and caused me to have some GI pain during the run. Felt great on the bike though. No lower back pain at all. Averaged just under 20.

Sunday (6/6):
Rest day

Week 9 in the books. Took it easy after a tough weekend in Austin.


Monday (5/24):
CF - Helen in 9:22 subbed push up for pulls...bicep a little sore from War Frank.

Short run was the Pyramid II from my Half IM training plan. 4 x 400, 2 x 800, 1600, 2 x 800, 4 x 400. In the morning on ACU track.

Tuesday (5/25):
CF - 5 MU, 95# back squat x 15, 10 MU, 30 BS, 15 MU, 45 BS, 10 MU, 30 BS, 5 MU, 15 BS. Subbed ring dips for MUs. Left bicep a little sore from War Frank. Didn't record time because of the sub...

Short swim was Heavy Tosh. 500 yards with t-shirt on. Right at 10 minutes.

Wednesday (5/26):
CF - rest

Taught RPM in the morning.

Thursday (5/27):
CF - 5 sets of (15' rope climb x1, 5 hand stand push up, 45# one-legged OHS) in 13:33. Tough.

Swam about 2500 yards at the Y for my long swim.

Friday (5/28):
CF - 10 sets of 135# DL x 15, 15 push ups in 13:42.
Drove to Georgetown today. Olympic Tri on Monday.

Saturday (5/29):
Ran 16 miles in a terrible time of a little over 2:14:00. Really hot. Lots of hills. Brutal.

Sunday (5/30):
Rode my bike really easy for about an hour to get ready for race.

Week 8 in the books...pretty beat up.


CF - 25 sq, pushup, pullup, situp; 50 sq, push, pull, sit; 75 sq, push, pull, sit in 22:30. PRed by more than six minutes.

Taught RPM in the evening for my short bike of the week.

Tuesday (5/18):
CF - rest

Ran a 10K in 42:47. Feel good. Played basketball tonight, too.

Wednesday (5/19):
CF - 7 x 3 shoulder press (95, 105, 4x115, 105). Did after I taught RPM.
And I didn't sleep at all. Went to bed at 11 PM...finally got up at 2:30 AM and made Paleo bread.

Thursday (5/20):
CF - 8x400m run on 90 sec rest in 20:35.

Friday (5/21):
CF - War Frank, 3 set of 25 Muscle ups, 100 squat, 35 GHD situps in 37:58. Hands completely bloody after 75 muscle ups. Amazed I was able to do it as rx'd.

Short swim 8x2:1 in the morning at the Y.

Saturday (5/22):
CF - rest

Rode for 3.5 hours (60.1 miles) then hopped off and ran a little more than 5 miles in 40 minutes. Felt slow on foot. Really hot. Didn't get enough calories on the bike (especially with no oatmeal for breakfast). Felt pretty bad last half hour on bike. Surprised I even finished the run at all. Rode south towards Lawn.

Sunday (5/23):
CF - 21,15, 9 135# DL, 95# overhead squat. Didn't record time. Around ten minutes...

Long swim of 2000 yards in 41:48.

Week 7 in the books...good week.