Workout Updates
Cross Fit workouts of note:
PRed Angie by about 5 minutes. 100 pulls, 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats in 16:01. Previous best was 21 minutes.
Rowed a 15 minute time trial on my NEW C2Rower in my garage!!! Went 4,060 which isn't very good in the rowing world, but it beat my PR by 200 meters.
Worked out at Cross Fit Georgetown over the weekend. Good people over there.
Also worked out at an elementary school "fitness" playground with a pull up bar up to my chest. That was interesting but I got the work in.
Rode a 56:50 20 mile TT on the bike in Georgetown...felt good to get out there and open it up a little bit. Love those Austin hills.
PRed 30 Muscle ups by 3 minutes. Did them in 9:22. Kipped them though because of the type of rings I'm forced to use. Hopefully will be getting some Rogue rings soon.
Oh, and I got 35 and 54 pound KBs and an abmat for Xmas so my gym is slowly but surely progressing. It's actually coming along much faster than I had originally planned.
I have:
med ball
dip rack
jump rope
20lb weight vest
I need:
GH developer
sturdy pull up bar
plyo box jump (20")
Powerblock dumbbells
olympic bar and weights
bumper plates
climbing rope