Thursday, December 24, 2009

Workout Updates

Cross Fit workouts of note:

PRed Angie by about 5 minutes. 100 pulls, 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats in 16:01. Previous best was 21 minutes.

Rowed a 15 minute time trial on my NEW C2Rower in my garage!!! Went 4,060 which isn't very good in the rowing world, but it beat my PR by 200 meters.

Worked out at Cross Fit Georgetown over the weekend. Good people over there.
Also worked out at an elementary school "fitness" playground with a pull up bar up to my chest. That was interesting but I got the work in.

Rode a 56:50 20 mile TT on the bike in Georgetown...felt good to get out there and open it up a little bit. Love those Austin hills.

PRed 30 Muscle ups by 3 minutes. Did them in 9:22. Kipped them though because of the type of rings I'm forced to use. Hopefully will be getting some Rogue rings soon.

Oh, and I got 35 and 54 pound KBs and an abmat for Xmas so my gym is slowly but surely progressing. It's actually coming along much faster than I had originally planned.

I have:
med ball
dip rack
jump rope
20lb weight vest

I need:
GH developer
sturdy pull up bar
plyo box jump (20")
Powerblock dumbbells
olympic bar and weights
bumper plates
climbing rope


For the first time since 2005, I did not run (or attempt to run) the Whiterock Marathon in Dallas.

I've been having some hip issues so I decided to just do the half. Per some ideas I generated from the running bible "Born to Run", I ran without a watch and had fun...finished in 1:39:37.

I chatted with people before the race and during. I showed fellow VFF runners and Born to Run readers my Chia Fresca.

I didn't run in my VFFs but saw about eight people with them guy was sans shoes. I saw him about the 24 mile mark.

My hip hardly bothered me throughout the race, but I did start to feel some tightness in my lower left calf/achilles about 6 miles in.

I finished without incident and have not run more than .5 since that day to give my hip/feet/achilles time to relax and recover.

Interesting to note that I have run farther than 6.2 miles one time since April and was able to finish 13.1 pretty easy.

It would have been more interesting to see how I could have done if I didn't have all these stupid little ailments nipping at me. I can't wait to be pain free, and I think I'm close!

Anyhoo, I chatted with fellow runners and smiled throughout the race and had a very enjoyable experience.

I even got a chance to head over to the finish line and watch some of the faster marathoners come through which is very inspiring.

I did notice that about 98% of everyone finising right around three hours had similar running styles and shoes.

They landed under their center of gravity on the balls of their feet and had very minimal support underneath them. Good to see.

My friend, John, who ran the full, was hindered by some calf and quad issues and still ran a 3:20. Must be nice to be limping through 26.2 and still beat my PR by 8 minutes.

Way to rub it in.

Depending on how I feel the next month and if I can finally get some long runs in, I may run the full in Austin in February...but we'll see.

Thanks for reading.

Friday, December 11, 2009

LYNNE and 10:5

Completed Lynne this morning at ACU.
It's 5 rounds of max repetition body weight bench press and max rep kipping pull ups.

That in mind, I hit the scale to find my BW and it was 179.0. I did a total of 48 reps on bench at that weight in five rounds and 101 pull ups.

My bench was not a PR (last time I did 185# 60 times), but I PRed on the pull ups.
Don't really have a reason for my bench declining like that. Thought I was just tired, but then how could I have PRed pullups??? Hmmmm....

Going to run the 10:5x20 when I go home for lunch. It's a quickie - 15 minutes (including warmup)...but O so intense.

Hip feels good. Looking forward to the 1/2 Marathon.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

12/9 & 12/10

Jumped awake a little after 3 AM on Wednesday and couldn't go back to sleep. Taught RPM at 530 AM all by my lonesome. Went well...

After RPM:
5x1 Shoulder Press at 135#
5x3 Push press at 145#
5x5 Push jerk at 135#

Weight was down from last time, but I feel like my form is improving on these lifts...especially the jerk.

Ran 10 200s on Old Ironsides when I got home from work. Stepped out 250 paces. Hip feels good. Ran the last one in 00:32.


Ended up teaching RPM again this morning but came straight home. Very tired because I woke up again at around 4 AM.

7x1 Dead Lift at ACU after work
(1x295, 3x305, 3x315)

Felt like I could've done more but was really focusing on form and don't want to tweak anything before Sunday.

Came home and slept for about 90 minutes.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


So today's CrossFit Endurance workout was a timed tempo at 90% effort. I had four options: swim, bike, run or row.

It was just below freezing and wet this morning. Hmmm...

Bike for 35 minutes? No.
Run for 35? No.
Swim for 15? Don't want to drive all the way over to the Y. No.
Row for 15? Ah, yes.

Drove to ACU, warmed up on the treadmill and rowed 3,814 meters in 15 minutes. It was a lot harder than I thought it'd be. I've never rowed that long before.

Teaching RPM tonight at 530 PM then again in the morning at 530 AM.

Monday, December 07, 2009

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 & 3x5:3 RUN

Hand Stand Pushups (HSPU)
and L-pullups.
11:51 PR (never done this one before)

Did this workout at ACU at 6 AM. Abs still pretty sore from yesterday (5x30 GHD sits and 25 back ext) so the L-pullups were particularly tough...never did more than 7 without stopping. HSPUs are done with my homemade paralletes with my feet on the smith machine bar on the highest setting.

After I got finished I stretched then did some unassisted hand stand work. Since I first started seeing if I could hold a handstand without assistance from a wall until now, I have seen drastic improvement. I held up for about 7 seconds today without having to tap the wall with my foot.

It was tough to get up this morning. Still tired from driving home from Dallas at 330 AM on Saturday night/Sunday morning.

When I got home from work I put on my snow suit and ran three, 5-minute intervals with 3 minutes rest in between.

I had absolutely no hip pain on the first two intervals and very, very minor discomfort (wouldn't even call it pain) on the third. Iced twice before I went to bed.

The Wild Geranium extract is doing the trick!!